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Most Prestigious Literary Awards in the World

Literature award

Every year a lot of books are published in the world, and sometimes it is difficult for the reader to choose from all this literary diversity something worthy for themselves. That’s why it is good that there is a sufficient number of awards in the field of literature, where the most outstanding literary masterpieces are distinguished. Therefore, those who are not indifferent to high-quality novelties can follow the winners of such competitions and constantly replenish their library with books that will soon be sought after by everyone. Read about the most famous awards in the world of literature in this article, and it is quite possible that after a little research you can find something unforgettably interesting to read!

Nobel Prize for Literature

Nobel Prize for Literature

This prestigious award finds its laureate for achievements in the field of literature once a year. Like the Nobel Prizes in physics, chemistry, medicine, physiology, as well as for the promotion of peace, the literary one appeared at the initiative of Alfred Nobel. This Swedish chemical engineer and inventor made invaluable contributions to chemistry, literature, mechanical engineering, and entrepreneurship during his lifetime. Nobel left behind a will of which he ordered most of it to be allocated to the establishment of prizes.

As far as literature is concerned, this prize has been awarded since 1901, and the contestants and winners are determined by the Swedish Academy and awarded with a medal and a cash prize. It is interesting that in order to receive an award, it is not enough to write one extraordinary book, for instance. Literary achievements in the aggregate are important. The winner becomes known in the fall, and the ceremony is conducted on December 10 (the day of Nobel’s death) by the King of Sweden in Stockholm.

Pulitzer Prize

Pulitzer Prize

The Pulitzer Prize for Achievement appeared in the United States in 1917 under the bequest of Joseph Pulitzer, a respected newspaper magnate and journalist from a wealthy family. It is awarded to outstanding personalities in the fields of journalism, literature, and music, but only American authors can receive the Literature Award. Winners in Literature, Poetry, Biography, Non-Fiction, Drama, and History are determined annually and receive $15,000. The Gold Medal is awarded to one winner by the Civil Service Department of the Journalism Competition. The winner is determined by the Pulitzer Committee, and the award is presented in the spring.

Booker PrizeMan-booker-prize

This award has been presented since 1969 and is one of the most prestigious in the world of English-language literature. It is sponsored by the Man Group and provides the winner with a check for £50,000. The presentation of the award is held every two years, and since the award has acquired international status since 2014, this has allowed it to expand the list of participants. Interesting fact: you can only become a Booker Prize laureate once, and since 2016 you can receive a separate award for translating a novel. The translators, like the authors themselves, receive a cash prize of £50,000.

Goncourt PrizeEdmond_Goncourt_-_Schriftsteller

This is the main literary prize in France, which was established by the Goncourt brothers and has been awarded since 1902. The author of the best novel or collection of short stories in French is determined by the members of the Academy of Goncourt, who do this work for a fee of 60 francs a year. According to the rules, a well-known writer not older than 80 years old can become a member of the jury of the Academy, and they can nominate only one book at the vote. According to the charter, the prize can be awarded to an author only once during their lifetime.


Hans Christian Andersen Prize and Astrid Lindgren International Literary Prize

Both of these awards are in the field of children’s literature. The Andersen Prize was initiated by the German writer Elle Lepman, and also, thanks to her efforts, the International Children’s Book Day began to be celebrated on April 2. The Andersen Prize for Literary Works has been awarded every two years since 1956, and since 1966 this award has also been presented to illustrators of children’s books.

Hans Christian Andersen-Prize and Astrid Lindgren International Literary Prize

The Astrid Lindgren International Literary Prize was established by the Swedish government immediately after Lindgren’s death in honor of the world-famous storyteller. The Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award is awarded not only for engaging books but also for raising awareness of children’s literature and advocating for children’s rights. The prize is 500,000 euros and is awarded once a year by the State Cultural Council of Sweden. The award is presented to the laureate in Stockholm in May.

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