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What are the Most Popular Jobs in IT Right Now?


Hello, my dear followers! Today, we are going to talk about the most popular professions in the IT industry. I’ve gathered some statistics all around the web to introduce some valid data that represents the growth of demand for IT specialists in certain spheres. Apart from it, I prepared a summary for every profession, which can be useful for those who are only considering a career in IT or planning to change their specialization sometime soon.

As you probably know, the IT industry is currently one of the fastest-growing spheres globally, and it generates around $5 trillion every single year. Needless to say that experts expect this number to grow bigger over the next decades. So, it’s a great time to consider a career in IT right now! Here comes a list of the IT professions that can be fairly called “the hottest” right now.

AI/Machine Learning Engineer

AI is a big thing these days, and there is a great demand for qualified programmers and engineers in this field. Actually, it is the most fast-growing profession in IT right now – during the last 4 years, the demand for Machine learning engineers and AI specialists grew by a whopping 344%, which is crazy.


The popularization of such technologies as chatbots, neuro systems, voice assistants, and automated software developed for advanced web management creates a great demand for such specialists. Even though this field has existed since the mid-20th century, only recently have we managed to make AI technologies work for our benefit. Little by little artificial intelligence becomes more and more popular as leading AI developers invent new ways to optimize managerial and maintenance tasks.

Today, many machine learning engineers are developing machine learning algorithms – employing neural networks and other essential tools. Those engineers develop progressive models that will allow combining a traditional approach to website design and features with an approach delivered by an automated system that analyzes big scopes of data to provide the most practical and adequate solution for your business. Modern AI technology is frequently used for such essential tasks as economic forecasting, automated content recognition, natural language processing, etc.

The major tasks that an AI/Machine learning engineer has to be good at:

  • Working with large amounts of data and many different infrastructure types, including cloud services chips, premises systems, etc.
  • Understanding of machine learning and model building technologies. Ability to design pipelines of continuous development based on the latest machine learning technologies.
  • Constant monitoring of existing working models, implementation of innovations, enhancing the performance of existing models.

Data Scientist

This IT profession is also relatively young, and the demand for an experienced data scientist has never been so high before. The experts state that the demand for data scientists will grow by 15% in the period from 2018 till 2028. Of course, those numbers do not look so impressive as the one you saw in the previous section, and, still, this a very intensive growth that indicates that all professional data scientists won’t be sitting on the bench in the closest time.

A data scientist’s work is to collect, process, and analyze vast masses of data to make reliable forecasts for the future. Today, data scientists play a big role in strategic planning and prediction. If you own a big company and you have the ambition to enter the global market, it will be the right decision to employ one to make your data more reliable and representative.

As a data scientist, you have to be keen at:

  • A data scientist’s work requires lots of competence and knowledge in statistics, mathematics, and programming. Also, a data scientist has to be good at machine learning and modeling.
  • Visualizing data is also essential. A data scientist will need such tools as ggplot, d3.js and Matplotlib, and Tableau.


Information Security Analyst

Security of data is another important sphere that is very promising these days. From 2018 to 2028, the analytics expect this profession to grow by 21%, which is fast. Today, if you own a huge international company, it is not enough to get a subscription for the best security software. As technology advances, cyber-security is becoming more and more critical. So if you are considering a career in IT, it will be a great idea to become a security analyst if you feel like a person who loves order and strict rules.

As an information data analyst, you will have to:

  • Monitor computer networks for possible breaches and test them, looking for weaknesses.
  • Implement innovations and improve an existing security system all the time.
  • Perform vulnerability tests, developing a security strategy.

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