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Travel and Shoot: 9 Travel Photography Tips


Travel photography can be really tricky – you want to capture your memories and, at the same time, still enjoy your journey.

Whether it’s a city weekend getaway or a month-long trip, you want to get amazing pictures that you aren’t afraid to show your friends. But there’s one question remaining – how can you possibly do it?

Lucky for you, I have made this travel photography guide that will not only help you capture your moments but also take some unique pictures!

Do a Research

Don’t leave finding a perfect picture-spot for a chance. Location research is an essential thing to do if you want to have great photos at the end.

Thanks to the Internet, you can easily scout for the best locations, and it will easily save you a huge amount of time. You can use Instagram, Pinterest, or scroll through some Facebook pages and read some other photographers’ recommendations.

Take Your Camera Everywhere


To improve your travel photography and bring it to a whole new level, you have to remember two crucial steps – learn how to use your camera and carry it literally everywhere.

And spoiler alert – you don’t necessarily need the best and the most expensive camera to practice – you can easily capture landscapes with your smartphone if you use it properly. So if you have a great point-and-shoot, mirrorless, or DSLR camera, watch some YouTube tutorials and learn all the ins and outs of it.

Get Up Early

Nothing great comes easy, so if you really want to take amazing photos with pretty lighting, you have to get up early to beat all the tourists, especially if you’re going to the hot-spots. Such places as Tour Eiffel or Brooklyn Bridge are ALWAYS overcrowded, so the earlier you get up and come, the better pictures you will get at the end. Plus, the sunlight in the early morning is always the best, remember that.

Composition Rules

One of the essential tips in photography is to use the Rule of the Thirds – this will help you create more balanced images. Many phones or cameras already offer the grid function, which can instantly help you understand this rule.

The goal is to put all the important parts of the composition into sections, framing the whole image without overloading it. For instance, place a person along the right grid line instead of directly in the center – it can spice up the entire picture and give it a fresh look.

The key to understanding the composition is to practice. So try to play with the background as well as with the foreground and the midground elements. If you’re in a mountain region – find a rock, animal, or flower to put in the foreground. This can give a 3-dimensional feel to the photo and help the viewer better perceive the image.

However, don’t stick too much with these rules. Just remember the key moments, get creative, and play with the composition – work with different angles!

Use a Tripod


Tripod is probably one of the key tools when you’re shooting travel pictures. The thing is that with your camera fixed, you can easily arrange the perfect composition. Plus, you can always adjust the focus points and other settings to create the image you really want to make.

In addition to this, tripods will help you shoot much slower shutter speeds without worrying about your shaky hands. It doesn’t mean you have to carry a tripod everywhere with you, but for low-light photography, waterfalls shot, sunrises, or sunsets, a travel-size tripod can really make a difference!

Quality Over Quantity

When shooting travel pictures, patience plays a significant role. You can’t take a rush if you want to have amazing photos – only taking the time to wait for the right opportunity will bring you results.

Also, try to be a little critical about your photos and think about what could be improved. If you’re not happy with the results – get back to the locations. Ask yourself questions and shoot again if necessary!

Get Close to Your Subject

If you choose between using a photo lens from a distance or shooting with a close-up lens, don’t doubt and go for the second option. And here’s why: not only does being closer to the object increase the quality of your shots, but it also adds a personal touch to the image.

Learn How to Edit Photos


The editing process can’t be separated from the shooting process. Many great editing apps can easily help you improve your travel photos. For instance, Lightroom has different presets, which can help you edit your images with a click or two, but here are a few general tips to use:

  1. Start by straightening and cropping your picture.
  2. Adjust the white balance, highlights, and shadows.
  3. Improve your color tones with the tone curves or HLS panel.
  4. Remember to avoid heavy-editing your images.

Start Travel Shooting Right Now

As in everything in life, you need to practice to achieve some results. So, take your camera, follow my tips, and get ready to embark upon your photography journey. And of course, stay tuned for my next amazing photography tips!

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