House parties are a very popular pastime. Going to clubs is, of course, very fun, but sooner or later you want to change the scenery, and gathering well-known people under one roof can become a good and heart-warming tradition. Agree that this is not a bad idea – you can invite only those you want to see and do what your company wants. However, many are discouraged by the fact that it is necessary to take responsibility for organizing such an event; what if something goes wrong or something is missing? Don’t panic. Even if the idea of ​​inviting friends to your place completely spontaneously is definitely not for you, it is enough to adhere to just a few rules, and you will succeed. Remember that you are not on the exam, and the main thing when preparing your home for a party is not to get hung up on trifles and take care only of the most important things. And the most important thing is to start the fun, and the guests will do the rest themselves.
So what could be required of you as a party organizer? Do not be alarmed; no one expects that you have the professional skills of an event manager. You can start by defining the theme of the party if you like. This will already set a certain mood for guests who can dress up in the style of the characters of a movie. If you plan to have a party outdoors or on the waterfront, you can suggest a pirate theme. Pajama parties are also especially popular, where you can relax and feel at home while changing the environment. Perhaps your guests will be interested in dressing up as gangsters or detectives or travel back to a certain period of the past and spend an evening in a retro style. It all depends on your imagination!
Once you have decided on the party’s theme, you can determine the time and place. This point is important because it is better to warn about your venture in advance and know how many people you can count on. Your guests will be pleased to receive bright and funny invitations to the party indicating the time, place, and theme. Be sure to ask to notify you in advance if some of your friends cannot come. If you are determined to make new acquaintances, you can invite your friends to come with another person.
If you decide to invite guests in the summer, it is a good idea to use the grill or barbecue – this is the secret to the success of a summer outdoor party. Thus, you can quickly prepare a delicious snack from meat, mushrooms, and vegetables. In general, “accept” the fact that the party organizer does not have to constantly deal with food and should also enjoy the event, like the guests. The menu for your event doesn’t have to be overly complicated. You shouldn’t turn the party into a lavish feast with a lot of dishes. If you don’t want to cook at all, you can use catering services or add salads and fruits to the ordered pizza and sandwiches.
For many people, parties are associated with alcohol, but this is by no means a generally accepted rule. In any case, it is good if the party has both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, especially water. Also, it is better to put liquids separately from the table with food so that relaxed guests do not accidentally turn over bottles or glasses while taking food.
In order for date X to be memorable, it is necessary to arrange the place of the party properly. Even if you do not have any theme, take care of such attributes as art, balls, garlands, bulbs, and so on. Guests should be comfortable in your apartment or wherever you invite them, so yes, be sure to think about what they will sit on.
Time will fly by quickly, your guests are full, and now it’s time to entertain them with something other than talking and drinking. If you are outdoors or have a lot of space, you can play badminton or twister. You can host friendly contests or play board games such as Jenga, Uno, or Monopoly. The time spent playing these games passes very quickly; even strangers get to know each other better and just have fun.
No, we certainly haven’t forgotten about the music! Try to compile a playlist in advance and include songs that you know for sure your guests will like. If you don’t know your guests’ preferences for sure, add more or less neutral songs to the playlist that will not distract attention. For example, your friends may want to dance so that you can create a separate pop and dance playlist.
If you desire to gather friends with you, do not be shy and do not worry that something will not work out. Your home does not have to be very spacious, and the interior should not be designed according to the latest trends. Your guests will love to chat with you and others at the party. And it will definitely pass with a bang!