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The Best Memes of 2020: Apocalypse Edition

meme 2020 Jordan Air

Hey there, guys! It is Bruce Valentine, your favorite guide in the world of memes. The year is coming to an end, and I think it is time to review the best memes of 2020. Well, this year has been quite apocalyptic, from the COVID-19 virus outbreak and oil crisis to civil protests, major forest fires, and US elections. But humanity has managed to look at the bright side and find a reason to laugh a bit even in the hardest times. So please, make yourself comfortable, pour something tasty in your glass, and enjoy the best memes of the outgoing year.

Mike Pence and the Fly

This year’s elections haven’t gone without a fuss. And just when we thought that the debates are too long and boring to listen to, a little fly rewarded our effort. In the middle of the Vice Presidential debate, a fly decided to take a break on the head of Mike Pence. But the Vice President seemed not to notice it, so a fly spent quite a while there. By the time the debate was over, the Internet had burst with memes featuring the fly.

How It Started/How It’s Going

Like many other popular memes of 2020, this meme shows how hard this year has been – emotionally and physically. It’s a perfect example of existentialism getting into the Internet and becoming a popular trend. And while the ‘how it started/how it’s going’ meme is commonly used for showing a negative result, there are still some lucky guys who managed to turn it into a story of success, like in the case of the Lebron James meme.

This Is Where I’m At

Well, I think everything is pretty clear here. Surviving through this year was tough, and people had to express it somehow, so this pic of a mechanical deer appeared around September to mark it. I don’t know about you, but I truly feel the pain of this robotic deer.

Nature Is Healing

Despite all the bad news about the increasing number of COVID-19 cases around the world, including Europe, there actually was a good one. Water quality in Italy improved so much that it had not been on such a level for decades. The Internet community liked the news and turned it into a meme. If you spot something outside of the norm, it is a good opportunity to make a meme saying, “Nature is healing. We are the virus.”

The 2020 Challenge


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A post shared by Reese Witherspoon (@reesewitherspoon)

I don’t know who started this challenge, but it is remarkable, isn’t it? Now it is also widely known as “Reese Witherspoon Challenge,” as the meme starring this actress went viral like crazy. Remember how happy we all were to start a new year and what mess we are now. That’s exactly the meaning behind the meme. Let’s hope that 2021 won’t disappoint us.

Dear Men, What Is Preventing You From Looking Like This?

This meme’s story started with a girl posting on Twitter a picture of a man with abs and adding the question, “Dear men, what is preventing you from looking like this?” The men’s reaction was instant, and the Internet was flooded with multiple variations on what men are supposed to look like.

Billie Eilish at the Oscars

The face of Billie Eilish at the Oscars is unforgettable. The poor girl seems confused with all the references the older people are making at the Oscars. But that’s understandable. She is too young to know anything that happened before the 2000s. Anyway, this picture had been in all kinds of memes for a couple of months after the Oscars.

Tom Hanks at the Globes

Tom Hanks is a talented actor, and his mimic knows no boundaries. Just look at this cringe-worthy face he made at the Globes. Well, we haven’t seen such a good expression since Chrissy Teigen’s face meme.

Which Is the Best Seat?

We all know that subways aren’t the best places in the world to spend time in. But a Twitter user decided to debate the best seat on the New York subway, and then it accidentally became a meme applicable to basically any place with seats.

Dolly Parton Challenge


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It remains uncertain whether Dolly Parton was the first who posted the meme, but she definitely was the one who breathed life into it. As soon as she posted the image with a signature “Get you a woman who can do it all”, the challenge became popular across all social media, including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. If you haven’t seen the challenge, I recommend using the hashtag #DollyPartonChallenge and looking at some of those memes. I swear – they are so hilarious that I couldn’t help but watch them three hours in a row.


Thanks for reading till the end!




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