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Start Can’t Quit: Effective Life Hacks for Those Who Want to Make Sport Stay in Their Lives


Sport has a positive effect on the human body, both externally and internally. Even with minimal exercise, the level of cortisol and adrenaline hormones reduces, which makes stress to recede. In addition, exercise is great for both strengthening the body and restoring health. People who play sports feel better during the day and sleep better at night. You probably know all these arguments in favor of having regular physical activity, as well as the fact that you have even more arguments not to play sports when the motivation to get your body in shape disappears.

Let’s Start with Your Head

For starters, you should try to work on your train of thought and attitude towards yourself. Looking at the accounts of fitness models in social networks, many people believe that sport is a lifestyle for the “special”, and in order for it to bring results, they need to devote all their time to it. However, this is not entirely true, firstly, because your daily activities should not be extensive, but rather regular, and secondly, you need to do this not for a beautiful picture but for your personal health.

Well, let’s say you had enough love for yourself and inner zeal to finally buy a sports uniform and start running in the morning. But then the very day came – a spoiled mood, many important things to do (which you will not remember in a week), the choice of another interesting occupation – and you have already come under the magical influence of “tomorrow”. Is there anything you can do about it? Of course, keep some tips to help you get out of the trap of laziness and demotivation.

These Simple Tricks Will Make You Love Sport


Nothing motivates a person to go in for sports like a good company. If you’re new to the sport and want to make sure you’re doing everything right, group training is the way to go. All people are different in temperament, so it’s hard to say what is more suitable for you, a gym or training in a group; they can be alternated and combined to diversify the training plan or focus on one thing.

Secondly, make sure that the sport you choose is really to your liking, and you don’t just choose it because your friend is doing it. Some people may like and be physically fit for more relaxed activities, but no less effective, such as yoga, while others will be happy to engage in intense sports like boxing or TRX training, gradually increasing the load. Think about what your physical strengths are, be it height, flexibility, speed, etc., and consider these nuances when choosing a sport for yourself.

A great idea would be to motivate yourself to go in for sports with a gift, just keep in mind that you need to treat yourself only after the achieved result, and not just to cheer up before. Yes, you can get a new outfit and should feel beautiful and confident in a new pair of shoes if you want, but set yourself a more challenging goal. Let’s say the acquisition of something that you have long wanted but did not find sufficient motivation to part with your hard-earned money for the sake of such a purchase. Now, after three months of regular training and not a single missed one, you definitely deserve such a gift to yourself.

Sports is a great way to start your day earlier than usual. But sometimes, to get out of bed, we may need to make a titanic effort over ourselves. But if your half-open gaze falls on the clothes and shoes prepared in the evening, and you also remember that you prudently charged your headphones and made a playlist with the necessary music for jogging, then it will be easier for you to find the motivation in yourself to start the morning with sports and not surfing on your phone.

And again, the next life hack is also about changing your mindset and attitude towards sports. If you find the sport that’s right for you, you won’t be haunted by the feeling that you are serving a duty, just like with your favorite job – even if the latter is not to your liking, and it seems to you that it takes away your last moral and physical strength, then going to the gym or jogging in locations with beautiful nature will help you put your thoughts in order and have a great time with yourself.

Yes, sports help you take your mind off bad thoughts while still allowing you to reach your full potential and maximize your body’s reserves. What can I say? Sport brings so much benefit and joy, so after reading this article, immediately plan your next workout and let constant motivation be with you!

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