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Psychology Books to Understand Human Behavior


Our mind potential is unlimited, but people don’t always understand how to use it effectively. And while scientists have made extraordinary progress in the past years, our mind still remains a mystery.

And in order to understand the psychology behind human behavior, there are tons of books written that can reveal hidden secrets. I offer you to take a look at a list of 9 great psychology books that will help you in the journey of understanding yourself and others better.


Games People Play: The Psychology of Human Relationships by Eric Berne

Consciously or not, people are constantly playing mind games with each other as it’s a natural trait of human beings. And the negative impact of such manipulations can be learned to recognize as well as block. Games People Play is an eye-opening book where a reader can take a fascinating journey into the minds of people and find out some secrets hidden inside. Published in 1964, the book easily became a bestseller and still remains to this day.

Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman


Published in 2011, this book written by the winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics and famous psychologist Daniel Kahneman shows two systems that control the way we think and act. One system is intuitive, emotional, and fast, while the other one is deliberative, logical, and slow. This book reveals all the pros and cons of these systems and teaches you when to rely on them.

The Confidence Game by Maria Konnikova

Everyone knows pyramids are frauds, yet many people fall for them. So how do con men succeed, you may ask? This is all because con artists exploit specific features of human psychology.

This eye-opening book can make you less vulnerable to cons and help you understand yourself better. Observe yourself to find out what may trigger your emotions, recognize what’s happening, and change it.

Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions by Dan Ariely


This groundbreaking New York Times bestseller disproves that people behave in rational ways. From buying a coffee to choosing your partner – these behaviors are neither senseless nor random. Instead, Dan Ariely proves that they’re completely predictable and even systematic, making people predictably irrational.

Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking by Malcolm Gladwell

Blink is a book about the choices people make in the black of an eye. Why are some people indecisive while others are brilliant decision-makers? How do our brains work in different circumstances, and what are the best decisions in general?

This book answers all of those questions and helps you understand your behavior and choices better.

The Art of Choosing by Sheena Iyengar

the art of choosing

The Art of Choosing is another great book about our everyday choices. Whether it’s mundane choices or something that may define our lives, Sheena Iyengar helps us understand how and why we choose anything in this world. Why do people sometimes choose against their interests? Is the choice determined by our culture? The award-winning research in this book reveals the answers to many of the questions that you’ve been trying to answer.

Reclaim Your Brain: How to Calm Your Thoughts, Heal Your Mind and Bring Your Life Back Under Control by Joseph A. Annibali

When our brain is overwhelmed by imbalances, such conditions as depression, addictions, and anxiety can arise and stand in the way of our happiness. In this book, Joseph A. Annibali does research for the biological causes of such imbalances and offers effective strategies to prevent them.

For instance, in order to fight negative thinking, Annibali proposes to write the story down. This will help your brain to slow down, and once your thoughts are on paper, you can draw clearer solutions and transform the negative thinking into a positive one.

The 11 Laws of Likability by Michelle Tillis Lederman

the 11 laws of likability

It is a known fact that people do business with people they like; however, they seem to forget that a business relationship is an actual relationship in the first place. The book shows how to form meaningful professional connections to achieve win-win advantages.

For instance, if you find yourself in an awkward business social event, try to change the perspective of the person you’re communicating with. Look at them with unbiased eyes and find something to appreciate – you’ll see, this will easily lead to a more productive and interesting interaction.

Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel H. Pink

This provocative book claims that most people aren’t driven by monetary intentions only. Daniel H. Pink shows that purpose, autonomy, and mastery are the real motivators that make us live a more satisfying life. The book also shows some techniques on how to motivate yourself every day by implementing easy and understandable options. And while the book is mostly written for business communities, it definitely has something for all of us to learn.

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