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Brendan Pierce

Brendan Pierce

From: $6.00 / 3 days

Welcome to the most stylish blog on the web! My name is Brendan, and I know everything about fashion. If you want to keep pace with the latest trends, subscribe now!

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Inspired by the royal family, especially Princess Diana style, I have always been experimenting with different colors and textiles. Back in school, I was an editor of a paper handling most of the fashion and art events, including the annual Prom Queen contest. As you have already noticed, I can’t imagine my life without fashion. It’s what gives me a chance to express myself without saying a word. It takes talent and vision to create an unforgettable outfit. The good thing for you is that everybody can develop it. Read the best blogs and magazines, buy high-quality garments, and don’t be afraid of mixing stuff – then everybody will notice your cool individuality!

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