If we talk about a country of contrasts, then India immediately comes to mind. On the one hand, people come here to get acquainted with the centuries-old culture, enjoy the beauty of nature, and the originality of this country. But, on the other hand, many people worry that they will certainly catch some serious illness here. Besides, the shower is rather a luxury in India. But if you still relate more to the optimists than to the pessimists, then after visiting this country, you may return as a different person. In this article, we will talk about the main things that you need to know and remember while traveling in India.
So, India. As you know, this is a country with a very hot climate, and if you are not one of those people who are used to the heat, you can travel from mid-autumn to March. Thus, you will not suffer excessively from all the “charms” of extreme humidity and high temperatures and will be able to feel comfortable.
Another question is where to go exactly. Of course, travelers want to see as much as possible and get to know India to the maximum without staying here for months. For better or worse, it is impossible to go around all the sights of this country and see all the tourist attractions in a week. India consists of 29 states, visiting which you will get acquainted with completely different traditions, religions, and languages ​​- as if all this is not in one wonderful country called India.
Therefore, choose what kind of leisure you like and decide on the appropriate direction: in New Delhi, you can visit many temples, markets, indulge yourself with shopping, and walk along the streets of old Delhi; tourists who are interested in yoga and meditation will find many like-minded people and classes to their liking in Rishikesh, and if you want to lie in the sun, go to Goa. Varanasi is worth visiting for prayer places and Mumbai – for new impressions of slums and colonial architecture contrast.
Of course, this is not a complete list of breathtaking places in India. However, as in any corner of the earth, certain rules must be followed here. First, try not to wear clothes that are too revealing. Short shorts are best for girls to wear in Goa and Delhi, while in other places, you’d better give preference to long pants and skirts. Second, if you decide to visit temples, make sure that your head and shoulders are covered, and some of them also have such a requirement for men.
The fame of the goodwill of the Indian population is known to many tourists, but you should still be very assertive in conversations with them. Remember that meeting with a tourist for Indians is a way to make money, so you can safely bargain with them because the price of the service or product offered to you is initially exaggerated at least three times. However, it is considered good practice to leave a tip since you will definitely be satisfied with the service in most cases. And your karma will be just wonderful after that!
Speaking of money. It is unlikely that you will be able to exchange your money for rupees wherever you live. The easiest way to get local currency will be to bring dollars with you. At the airport, there are exchangers with a good rate, and there are many exchange offices in cities, which cannot be said about ATMs. So it is best to arrive with a certain amount of cash and travel around the country using it.
The next question that worries tourists is how to get around India. Many have seen pictures on the Internet with crowded transport in which a foreign tourist is unlikely to want to climb. However, the idea of ​​renting a car is also not the best; the point is that you run the risk of getting into an accident and not coping with the chaotic traffic in India – no matter how confident you feel when driving at home.
In order to experience all the local flavors, you can try a ride on the most popular form of urban transport in India called rickshaws. Be extremely careful if you decide to explore the city on foot and watch the transport – there may simply not be sidewalks as such. If you prefer total comfort while traveling, you can hire a driver with a car or call a taxi through Uber or another national app.
And finally, about food, which is essential for any trip. To each their own, as they say. Some Indian food will seem completely unusual to you. For starters, it can be very peppery. However, in order for the dear foreign guest to remain as pleased with the meal as possible, they will prepare food for you as spicy as you ask.
Since Indian cuisine may seem unusual, and you cannot predict how your body will react to new dishes, it is better to start your acquaintance gradually. In the first days, fill your diet with familiar foods and try to avoid meat. Yes, there is a risk of poisoning here, but you will reduce this likelihood if at least you do not eat street food and drink only bottled or boiled water. Remember that you will not always be able to wash your hands with soap and water, so carry alcohol-based sanitary napkins or a hand sanitizer with you.
They say that if you open your heart to India, it will answer you with the same pleasant emotions. And there are more than enough places to get them here. Even if you find yourself in a difficult situation, hospitable Indians will gladly help you and not leave you in trouble. Therefore, if you want to make your vacation unforgettable, welcome to India!