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Key Features of Ideal Minimal Website Design

In just a few seconds, the user can decide for themselves whether they like your website based only on its design. Why can minimal design make them stay on the website longer? Let’s see how the trend towards no-frills design is still relevant and how to use it to achieve the needed result.

Some Facts Benefiting Minimal Design

Modern software and technical capabilities give web designers almost complete freedom of creative expression. However, as the practice has shown, you need to know when to stop, and the principle of “all at once” did not take root in web design. Companies that abandoned such oversaturated solutions made a choice in favor of a minimal design that focuses visitors’ attention on the content. Making the content king of the site has proven effective as it helps a minimalistic website not distract users from the main idea.

Proceeding from the fact that users nowadays, for the most part, are accustomed to absorbing content from their mobile phones, a web designer is faced with the task of making this experience as comfortable as possible. Imagine that on a not very large display, your eye catches a few unnecessary elements that simply serve as a page decoration before you find the information you need. This is tiring, and secondly, the presence of graphic elements and many colors will slow down the loading of the site, which is definitely not to the liking of visitors.

Modern users are people who sometimes need to filter information and content on their own. This process certainly tires them, so when they finally find an interface that is distinctive from others and does not cause them the effect of an overload, they will certainly remember it and feel motivated enough to return to it again and again.

It is worth noting that a minimalist design does not mean that a minimum of work will be done on it. Not at all, on the contrary, such development needs to be thought out even more carefully in order to express the concept using a small number of colors and elements.


Features of Working on Minimalistic Web Design

The importance of color in minimalist design is undeniable. The minimum of color certainly makes it possible to distinguish this type of design from the rest. Colors are best reserved for visual accents, but in design, they can distract the user. Therefore, it is better to choose a monochrome palette of one color and not use more than three colors.

Typography is one of the most powerful tools to let minimalism show its power. The right fonts and their sizes allow you to create an attractive and organic web design. This way, you can intuitively direct the reader to more and less important information on the site. Of course, the content must be readable under all circumstances. Sans-serif fonts are a must-have for a minimalist design. By choosing them, you will definitely not be mistaken because the text will look very neat.

At the same time, it is important to take into account the standards for the ratio of font sizes and that part of the design where the text will be placed. Remember that the presence of white space can play into your hands if you want to lead the user to some important segment on the page.

Minimal also doesn’t mean you have to go without illustrations and photographs. They can cause more emotions and affection in people than just text. The main thing is to choose them in accordance with the atmosphere of the website. Illustrations should not interrupt or stand out from the general ensemble on the site, both in colors and in the number of elements.

Contrasts are also welcome in minimal designs. The dosed use of eye-catching colors can draw users’ attention to important page details. For example, on such important buttons as “download”, “register”, and “buy”. By the way, for a minimalistic design, not only black and white colors are suitable but also pure colors without gradients and volumetric textures. If your choice falls on this option, make sure that the color between the images and the background is contrasting.

Minimalism in design can mean both classic solutions and creative ones. It all depends on the style of the designer’s work and the characteristics of the product. At the same time, you should try to make the interface not only laconic but also user-friendly.

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