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Impressive Stories and Unusual Exhibits – Museums That Everyone Would Like to Visit


Since 1977, May 18 has traditionally been celebrated as the International Day of Museums. Museums are places where society keeps its historical and cultural heritage, monuments of material and spiritual culture; they also play an important role in educational work. But what if you are not one of those people for whom visiting museums is a sacred ritual in a new city or the first thought “where to go” that comes to mind if there is nothing to do? Do not rush to despair of losing precious time and the idea of ​​visiting the historical, ethnographic, archaeological, and similar museums in which each of us has been at least once in our lives. In this article I will give examples of the most interesting museums in the world, having visited which you can change your mind about the “boredom” of these places.

Museum of Bad Art


Founded in Boston in 1993 by antique dealer Scott Wilson, this museum boasts the same high selection standards as any other internationally renowned museum. On average, only one in ten paintings can pass the examination of special experts. It is interesting that Wilson found the first exhibit entitled “Lucy in a Field with Flowers” in a garbage can, and this ability to see the beauty in the terrible helped the museum find its audience.

By the way, the paintings are not at all distinguished by an incompetent manner of execution, but because of their distinctive qualities that distinguish them from completely incompetent works. In total, the museum has three exhibition halls with about 600 exhibits. The Museum of Bad Art is popular not only among tourists – but the ugliest paintings in the world are also of interest to robbers. There were several such cases: during one of them, an award was announced for the return of the paintings, but they were never returned. Therefore, surveillance cameras were soon installed in the museum – but not real ones. After a while, there was another robbery here, and this time the robbers had already left a note demanding a ransom in the amount of 10 thousand dollars. But … they forgot to leave their contact details, unfortunately.

Museum of Broken Hearts


Surviving a breakup with a loved one is always difficult, and after parting your ways, there are always things that serve as a painful reminder. But the ex-spouses who built the next museum on our list have found an interesting way to help people say goodbye to such personal items. Within the walls of the museum, which is located in Croatia, there’s a huge number of memorabilia and trinkets of former couples: some of them were objects of revenge or the reason for the breakdown of relations. A variety of personal stories have been collected in this unusual place, and it is said that visiting it helps to survive the loss of love. But looking at the exhibits and reading the sad and funny stories of love and parting on the plates next to them will be interesting for any visitor, and if you wish, you can bring personal belongings to replenish the museum’s collection.

Museum of Lies (Das Lügenmuseum)


If you have a good sense of humor and want to see something really unusual, visit the Museum of Lies in Kuritz, Germany. Here you can see with your own eyes that the line between truth and falsehood is very thin, and it is very difficult to recognize it at times. Absolutely all the exhibits here are fake, and the exciting stories associated with them are just good fiction. It is already worth keeping an eye out from the doorway because the offered elixir of youth and a delicious cake is actually nothing more than tea and a plastic cake fake. In general, there is a lot to see here, and you can also listen to interesting stories from the owner of the museum, Reinhard Zabka, who in the past was himself a famous German artist and dissident.

Underwater Museum in Cancun

Everyone knows that nature is the best builder, but looking at the Mexican underwater museum created by Jason deCaires Taylor, makes many lose their breath from such beauty. The goal of this sculptor was to distract tourists from the disappearing coral reef, which is why he decided to bring his idea to life with statues exhibited in shallow water.

So in 2010, after a year and a half of hard work, an underwater sculpture museum was built, being constantly updated with new figures. Among them are not only sculptures of people but also various objects. Some exhibitions are located at a depth of 4-8 meters. Interestingly, each statue can serve for the creation and growth of coral colonies, and small holes are made in the statues for the fish swimming by.

In order to visit this delightful place, you need to dive or snorkel, or you can ride on a special boat with a transparent bottom.

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