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Imitation Game: How to Introduce an AI Character Into Your Story


As a huge fan of sci-fi, both classic and modern, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming presence of AIs of all sorts permeating the plots of more and more novels. Some would be centered solely on the idea of artificial intelligence, while others would feature thinking computers as supporting characters. But what makes it justified in the context of your plot? Let’s take a look at several concepts which were used by digital dreamers to create a persuasive plot arch for their virtual brainchildren.


The first method for the emergence of AI is its complete creation by man in a final form, i.e., in the form of a ‘strong’ AI. This way of emerging AI is reflected in Blade Runner and The Matrix. The movies themselves do not depict the creation in detail. However, there is additional explanatory information from their creators. In both cases, humans have created machines that have intelligence and free will but do not have human rights and are used as slaves. Introducing your AI in a similar way gives you a nice opportunity to disclose its background as you progress with the story or leaves you with a ready-to-go idea for a prequel plot.


The next method is a spontaneous transition from a weak AI created by a person to a strong AI. This method of introduction of an AI is perhaps the most overused in cinematography and fiction – SKYNET from Terminator is a paramount example. Humans create AI to perform specialized tasks, such AI is deprived of self-awareness and feelings. And yet, for various reasons, intelligence takes on a different form. All the plot arches falling into this category use a top-down (semiotic) approach to development. The very likelihood of a strong AI emerging in this way has been criticized in the scientific community and, for the most part, is found only in science fiction literature. You may want to look for a different idea if you’re going for ‘real’ scenarios supported by modern advances in neural programming.


Method numero tres, which rivals the ‘critical error’ approach in terms of popularity, is all about merging a human mind with a computer. Here, an undeniable appeal lies in controversy and moral dilemmas. Transcendence the movie is a prime example of how such AI is perceived by humans. In the scientific community, this method also causes much debate about the possibilities of its practical implementation. Those who believe that this method is possible describe the limitations as an insufficient amount of computing resources. Others consider it impossible to simulate a functional environment for the human mind in cyberspace and its biological inability to adapt to unnatural conditions.


Perchance you’re aiming at a ‘growing pains’ type of plot arch. In that case, look no further than the evolutionary approach. It follows the idea of the emergence of AI in a gradual transition from a weak AI to a strong one. The Westworld series, still ongoing, can illustrate this method of origin, in which an attempt to create a strong AI is displayed throughout the first season. In the series, a key role is played by the concept of bicameralism, put forward by the psychologist Julian James in 1976, the essence of which lies in the fact that the brain of the ancient people had two interdependent ‘chambers’ – one of which followed the orders of another. However, as the crucial life conditions of humans changed, such ‘master-slave’ relations became obsolete and led to the formation of consciousness as we perceive it. Spurring tons of arguments in scientific and quasi-scientific circles, this approach, when used properly, will guarantee you a smooth story development for your deus ex machina.


Settling on one of the aforementioned concepts of AI origin does not guarantee a cohesive and intriguing plot, but this is a good place to start if you’re aching to tell the world about your man-machine fantasy relations. I strongly suggest that the next step you take is studying the manners and mannerisms of fictional artificial intelligence carefully so that your brainchild talks like an AI and behaves accordingly, which is a subject for another article I may write in the nearest future. Remember writer’s advice #1 – don’t be afraid to let them know and recognize your influences, it’s what we humans actually enjoy doing most – recognizing familiar patterns.

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