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Food Tours As A Way To Learn More About Culture Through Cuisine

Delicious Vietnamese food including pho-ga noodles spring rolls white table

Over the past decades, tourism has become a more affordable and trendy way to spend leisure time. People go on trips to explore new corners of the world and gain new experiences or return to places that have won their hearts once and for all. Almost all countries of the world hospitably open their doors to tourists. Depending on the direction of travel, goals can be numerous – water, ski, and mountain entertainment, medical and recreational, festival tourism, shopping, pilgrimage, etc. And of course food tourism, or the so-called gastronomic tours. Why can it be more exciting and informative sometimes to go on a gastro tour than a regular sightseeing tour? Let’s figure out the secret of the popularity of food-focused trips.

Each nation has its own culinary traditions, which can be interesting not only for chefs and other professionals working with food and recipes but also for ordinary tourists. Agree that visiting historical monuments and other places popular with tourists is an inspiring activity, but sometimes you can also get acquainted with the country by trying it “by taste.” Moreover, gastronomic tours often include a sightseeing tour, which allows you to get a general idea of the city and see the main attractions.

Many will say that such an undertaking is a waste of time because ordering food through the Internet or buying imported products of a particular country is practically not difficult these days. Although they are partly right, culinary tourism is not just tasting food popular in a particular region, but something more – visiting festivals, fairs, restaurants, as well as courses, masterclasses, and even factories for the production of products. Therefore, if you decide to visit tourist attractions and study the gastronomic map of the world, you can determine in advance which specialties will be waiting for you, depending on the country.

Gastronomic tours, depending on the area you will visit, can be divided into rural and urban. On trips to the countryside, you will find complete unity with nature and enjoy its gifts. You can visit groves of delicious fruits, berries, and vegetables and harvest with your own hands, as well as visit farmlands, vineyards, and wineries. In addition, the villagers will share with you the little-known secrets of the production of cheese, olive oil and invite you to merry rural holidays. Going on a gastronomic tour to the city, first of all, you will taste the most excellent delicacies; you will be able to communicate with the chefs of the best restaurants and learn about the most incredible combinations of products for delicious and non-trivial dishes.


When choosing a destination for your tour, you can also rely on your willingness to experiment with food and drink. If you are not yet ready for a too exotic experience, the countries of Europe are perfect for you, because the cuisine of each of them has something to surprise visiting tourists.

For example, tourists travel to Greece and other Mediterranean countries for fresh seafood and vegetables. The assortment of seafood here is the most diverse, and you can enjoy dishes from several dozen species of fish, sea mollusks, and so on. Italy is known for its long wine-making history, so trips to Tuscany should definitely not be missed. There are also the most delicious bakery products like pasta and pizza and a large production of olive oil. Once in France, do not miss the opportunity to attend tastings in Michelin-starred restaurants and generally get the greatest pleasure from French cuisine: cold cuts, fish, cheeses, foie gras, macarons, baguettes… Yes, let yourself be gourmet during your stay here. Other European countries are also known for their culinary flavor and are more familiar to visitors from the continent.

Food thai

You can go to Thailand, India, Tunisia, China, Japan, and Vietnam, searching for exotic dishes. These countries have become incredibly popular among tourists who want to enjoy the unique Asian flavor and try something completely new. So even if you suddenly change your mind about eating animals like fried snakes, bats, beetles, maggots, and other “savory” dishes, you can at least try exotic fruits and stock up on spices. They will give an ordinary fish or meat dish an unexpected taste.

Gastro tours are a great way to see the world and spend your holidays actively. Despite the fact that you will visit many places with traditional local cuisine, you will also get an invaluable experience of communication with people. In addition, you will learn many facts about the general culture of the country and people. Well, you must admit that it is much more pleasant to stroll around unexplored and colorful places after you have a delicious meal.

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