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FAQ Page

Real Blogs is an e-commerce website that allows people to access blogs of different genres or become a content author and lead their own blog. There are seven major genres you can find on Real Blogs, including Literature and Art, IT Content, Life Hacks, All About the Photo, Video Games, Humor, and Fashion.

Click on the ‘Log In’ button located in the top right corner of the website. In the pop-up window, follow the ‘CREATE AN ACCOUNT BUTTON.’ You will be asked to create a username and enter an email and password for your new account.

If you forgot your password, please click the corresponding button in the ‘Log In’ window. Then enter your username or email and proceed to the procedure of resetting a password.

Click on the ‘Log In’ button located in the top right corner of the website. In the pop-up window, follow the ‘CREATE AN ACCOUNT BUTTON.’ Then click ‘Register as a content author’ and fill in the gaps with personal details. Your application will be reviewed and approved in the shortest period of time.

There is no mobile app at the moment, but you can still access Real Blogs using your mobile devices such as a tablet or smartphone. Just open our website in your mobile browser and enjoy the full range of functions.

If you have not found answers to your questions in this section, please, contact us at [email protected].

We at Real Blogs respect your privacy and maintain the latest and most advanced security technologies in order to guarantee the safety of your personal details on our website.

As per our Terms and Conditions, by visiting the Real Blogs website, you automatically agree to the Terms and Conditions applied here. If you don’t agree with any of the points of our Terms and Conditions, you shall stop using our website immediately.

You get full access to the content of a certain author for a chosen period of time and can enjoy every bit of exclusive materials posted for a limited number of people.

Open the author’s profile you want to get access to, choose the suitable pricing plan (3 days, 7 days, or 30 days), and click the “ACCESS” button. Your order will appear in the basket, where you can proceed to checkout.

You don’t have to cancel your access, it will expire automatically at the end of the paid term. However, you may extend it anytime by purchasing a new customer plan.

First of all, log in to your account and open the settings. Then find an access section where all your purchased authors are listed. There you will find a number of action buttons, allowing you to manage your access.

At the moment, customers can make a purchase by using a credit or debit card.

Real Blogs has a wide variety of content authors of different scales. The minimum price for the shortest pricing plan (3 days) starts at $2.00 for some bloggers.

Yes, as soon as the access period is over, you may purchase a new plan for a bigger or lower number of days. We currently offer three types of paid plans: for 3, 7, or 30 days.

Just register an account as a content author and wait till we approve your application.

As soon as we get your application, we will contact you to provide further instructions.

There is no standard requirement for how many posts you should create. So, it’s really up to you, whether it will be one post per day or ten.

Yes, you certainly have such an option.

Yes, you have such an option. Open the post you intend to change and click on the ‘Edit’ button.

First of all, you need to create an account as a content author and obtain our validation. Only after that you can start receiving your first paychecks.

It depends on a number of metrics, including audience size, reader’s engagement, post length, etc.

The minimum withdrawal amount for most payment methods is $20. However, these terms may be reviewed in the future, taking into account your performance.

Choose one of the payment methods available for your region and follow the payout instructions that will be given to you.

For a withdrawal request to be processed, you must have sufficient funds on your balance (at least $20). If you think that is not the reason for a payout rejection, please contact us at [email protected] to clear out the details.

A referral program is a method of attracting new users by means of paying a referral fee to a current user when he or she recommends the platform to his/her friends, and they register there. So, basically, you get paid for every friend who joined our website using your referral link.

You send a referral link to your friend, who may be interested in registering an account at Real Blogs. And as soon as he/she creates an account, you get a referral fee paid. Please, pay attention that if a person doesn’t use your personal referral link, you get nothing.

To get a referral link, please contact us at [email protected] specifying that you want to become a member of our referral program. We will process your request and send you all the further details in a message.

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