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Comics as a Popular Modern Form of Art and Literature


Literature has managed to combine many genres, authors, and styles. Thus, everyone will find a literary work that will suit them: and we are talking not only about fiction but also informative books from the field of various sciences, such as psychology, esotericism, history, etc.

It is difficult to imagine a modern reader who will not hold a newspaper or magazine in their hands – this is a unique collection of news from different spheres of life, politics, fashion and trends. In addition, despite the new surge of uniqueness in our days, such a genre in the world of literature as comics has been captivating its readers and fans for over ten years. So what’s the appeal and features of these captivating print stories with colorful pictures and minimal text? Let’s figure it out.

What Comics Are and How They Became So Popular

Comics is a unique genre that combines features of literary work and visual arts. These fascinating stories, made in the form of hand-drawn pictures, can be presented as short comics (strips) and novels; they may include text depicted in speech balloons or may have no words. In general, there is a lot of variety for every taste.

As we know them today, comics first saw the world in the late 19th – early 20th century. In the last century, comics began to appear in the form of small humorous drawings in newspapers and magazines and later evolved into independent publications as technological development progressed.

Since the 30s of the 20th century, such genres as science fiction, detective stories, action films, horror, and, of course, stories about superheroes have won special love from readers.


The first comic strip about the superhero Superman, released in 1938, made comics one of the most widely read literature genres. In view of the difficult martial law at that time, all people, young and old, admired the stories about a man who could resist evil and protect the weak. Thus, stories of superheroes were gradually enriched with new characters, such as Spider-Man, Iron Man, etc.

In 1956, DC began rolling out new episodes of Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman. And the first issue of the Justice League series was released in 1960. The beloved character, Doctor Strange, appeared in 1963.

The modern age of comics, which began around 1985, is characterized by the emergence of antiheroes. For example, as can be seen in the example of the Batman: The Dark Knight Returns comic released in 1986. The modern stage in comics development is also associated with the increased use of computer technology and increased printing capabilities. Today, a variety of comics exist worldwide, from Chinese manhua to Japanese manga, comic books in the United States, and short strip comics in Europe.

Controversies Associated with Comics

Despite the fact that many have long recognized comics as a new art that appeared in the context of globalization and urbanization, this type of narrative was censored in the middle of the last century. After the surge in popularity of comics, many adults began to radically change their minds about the usefulness of these publications after reading some studies that dealt with children’s cravings for violence and crime after reading comics. This led to censorship in some regions and even a complete ban on comics. Fortunately, despite attempts to put comics in a box, drawn literature as a cultural phenomenon and a type of publication has not stopped its development.

Today, the importance of comics as art is practically not in doubt. Comics continue to be one of the favorite forms of entertainment for millions of teenagers and adults around the world. However, many skeptics mistakenly believe that comics do not carry any intellectual development. One can argue with this thought because the heroes and plot of modern comics are by no means primitive; they often raise acute social topics, moral and psychological issues that concern many children, adolescents, and adults. Of course, there is a different category of comics for each age category, although some, such as comics from Marvel and DC, find their fans among people around the world regardless of age.

In Conclusion

In view of such a long history of existence and the acquisition of new forms of distribution in films, TV series, games, and collectibles, it is unlikely that a universe built on comics is threatened with oblivion in the near future. After all, even the traditional paper comic strip has not disappeared and finds its fans in magazines, newspapers, and books. If you are a skeptic of comics, believe me, they are designed not only for children; some are even intended for the 18+ category. Like the more familiar book version, this type of literature will give you food for thought and introduce you to new worlds, heroes, and events that will evoke a variety of feelings and emotions in the reader.

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