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Change Your Lifestyle Right Now: Why Routines Are Important

Lifestyle Routine

Yeah, I know that this heading looks like cheesy clickbait. Still, I really wanted to talk today about how important it is to leave your comfort zone from time to time and look for new experiences to stay sane, healthy, and productive. The last thing I want to discuss in this context is how you can change your mind to change your life. I’m not a spiritual leader, and I doubt that I would like to become one sometime soon. Instead, I want to talk about easy steps that may help you break the routine and find new inspiration in your life.

This time, I wanted to talk about some of my life experiences that helped me to overthink some of my goals and priorities. That was long before I started my career as a blogger and writer. However, at those times (about 10 years ago), I already dreamed about a career that will be somehow connected with artistic expression in one or another way but, let me be honest, didn’t have the guts to push myself forward. It was not that I lacked any of the special skills that I own now, but the lifestyle I set for myself was not applicable to my goals. I was overwhelmed with routines, and there were no resources to find any additional energy for the personal projects and dreaming big in general. However, I managed to change this and find new resources for creativity and self-confidence in small routines.

Of course, maybe it’s just me, but I believe that those easy ways will work for most people. And if you disagree with me or have a better opinion on this matter, just let me know in the comment section.

Travel Every Year

Travel in the airoplane

Yeah, sometimes we are overwhelmed by numerous things that we have to do, and we tend to forget about our dreams. Let’s face it – there are hardly any people who don’t have places in their mind that they dream of visiting. A long time ago, I used to compromise many good traveling opportunities, which I regret right now. These days, I try to define a dream place where I will travel every year regardless of how distant it is, and I established it as a golden rule for myself. Those trips give me enough inspiration for a year, and I recommend everyone to follow my example.

Read Books Every Day

Girl reading book

If you are reading this blog, it means that you like reading, right? Well, then we’re almost half-way there! Blogs are great, and I love blogs, but in my opinion, it is not enough. Regardless of what you have chosen, fiction or documentary, the long-read format is a whole new thing compared to small articles, blogs, and posts that dominate our media space these days. To balance your informational space and find some golden means for the information you consume daily, it is essential to combine easy reading with some more sustainable reading. Don’t miss a day, and you will see how it will change your routines in the end.

Start Doing Things You Are Afraid of

Man Bangee Jumping

Challenging yourself is essential, and the best thing to challenge yourself is to do what you do not want to do desperately. As it usually happens in our life, if you hate to do something, this probably means that your zone of personal growth is in this activity. Of course, we are not talking about anything illegal or crazy in this case. However, fear is always indicating those zones. If you want something to change, do not try to rationalize it, devaluing your initial aspirations but act the way you can and always give the best of yourself.

Start Saying “Yes” or “No” More Frequently

Yes and No writen on the palms

Once I have noticed that there are two major kinds of people who tend to say “yes” more often than they want to and tend to say “no” more frequently than they would prefer to. Of course, this dichotomy is pretty comparative and partly comic, but there are also some important lessons that we can learn. For instance, I often suffered from my laziness, and I think that’s why I had lost some of the great opportunities that came to me like a strike of lightning when I thought about the “yes/no” rule. So, I decided to change my ways, and I saw the radical change in my life right away. Maybe it works differently for you, and you suffer because you are too responsive to everyone? Think about what kind of person you seem to be and what your life will be like if you decide to try this little experiment.

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