Photographers Who Captured the Most Distant Corners of the Earth
Thanks to the work of photographers in the most remote corners of the globe, we can see what nature and its inhabitants look like where a human foot rarely steps. Sometimes being in extreme conditions, these photographers were lucky enough to take pictures that replenished the cultural fund of humanity. Read in
10 Easy Ways to Get Active Without a Gym
Physical activity is essential for well-being and longevity: it reduces the risks of dangerous diseases, including heart and vascular problems, type 2 diabetes, and even cancer. Moreover, any activity is better than its absence, especially if you work from the office or are a freelancer who stays home most of
Cyberpunk Fashion Style
Cyberpunk is a world of fantasy films, video games, and the distant future with incredible technology, robots, affordable entertainment, and its own vision of the world. Such a futuristic direction was reflected not only in pop culture but also affected the fashion industry. Cyberpunk fashion is the perfect blend of