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Best Books to Read About Women’s Empowerment

The modern information field has finally begun to highlight the challenges and problems that women have been struggling with for centuries. Many female authors share personal stories that make readers cry, empathize, and laugh with the writer. Each of us sometimes feels the need to receive advice and simply moral support from the outside. Therefore, if you need emotional nourishment, then on this list, you will find books that will help you reconsider your attitude towards yourself and feel your strength.

Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal? by Jeanette Winterson


If your eyes stumble upon this New York Times bestseller, it is quite possible that it will change your life, as has happened to many readers. The main character tells the story of her life, touching upon the painful themes of children not accepted by their parents, LGBTQ themes, and the difficulties of fighting for her happiness in a world full of stereotypes.

Good Girls Go to Heaven, Bad Girls Go Everywhere by Ute Ehrhardt

Real-life stories can awaken our sense of self-esteem, and this book contains just such enlivening stories. Being a good mother and wife is, of course, an important component of happiness, but at the same time, women should be able to realize themselves in other roles and not constantly be in the shadow of a man. This book can be seen as a kind of wake-up call for those women who are tired of feeling defenseless with their soulmates, at work, and in society.

Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls: 100 Tales of Extraordinary Women by Elena Favilli and Francesca Cavallo


The idea to arrange a hundred stories about the life path and discoveries of many well-known women in the form of fairy tales for girls and women was received by readers all over the world with a bang. Frida Kahlo, Coco Chanel, Beyonce, and many other prominent personalities were able to change the course of the history of fashion, politics, art, science, and other spheres thanks to their ability to stand up for their ideas and show true rebellion.

The book also has the 2nd part and enlisted the support of eminent contemporary artists who successfully complemented the stories visually. By the way, this book can be advised for reading to boys as it can lay a good foundation for their gentlemanly attitude and respect in girls.

My Life on the Road by Gloria Steinem

During her life, Steinem managed to achieve considerable heights despite being brought up in not entirely favorable conditions. Before entering school for the first time at the age of 12 and showing her success as a student, she was constantly moving, and when her parents divorced, she stayed with her mother. Having received a scholarship after graduating from college, the girl went to India, where she could observe the infringement of the rights of women in all ways. This trip undoubtedly left its mark on Steinem’s subsequent activities as a journalist, writer, and public figure.

In her autobiographical book, the author describes her revolutionary path as a fighter for fair treatment of women around the world, regardless of race and social status, and their rights to dispose of their lives as they see fit.


In general, what could be a more life-affirming book for a woman than a book written by the author who is called the mother of feminism?

Pretty Happy: Healthy Ways to Love Your Body by Kate Hudson

We put in so much effort to build good relationships and please others, but what about ourselves? This book, written by the popular actress and mother of three, teaches women to listen to their bodies, eat right, and keep themselves in good shape so as not only to look good but also to feel appropriate.

It will be great if this copy falls into your hands when you decide to rethink your habits and create a better version of yourself. Hudson’s book is written from the heart, and although it cannot be said that it describes only universal approaches, practices, and advice, but reading it is interesting and motivating.

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