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Acquiring New Fashion Habits After Losing Weight


New Year is just around the corner, and I bet one of your resolutions will be to get your body in good shape. Yeap, we all make the same resolution year after year but let’s imagine this time everything finally goes right, and you look exactly how you dreamt of. And here another problem arises – all your clothes don’t fit you anymore. Don’t worry. I’m here to help you get through this period of self-transformation with style! In this article, I will share my own experience and the experience of my friends who have recently lost weight. Here you will find only the best advice tried on practice. All for you, my dear girlz!

Add Some Colors


We all know the girls club’s first rule: wear black if you’ve got a couple of extra pounds on holidays. This divine color was sent to us by some miracle because I don’t have another explanation of why it suits everybody perfectly and hides our problem areas. But even though it makes us look slimmer, I persist you start wearing some colorful clothes too. It doesn’t mean you have to look like a rainbow, but please take some small steps. Start with one small item, something like a scarf or ring. Next time add a top or jacket and so on. Believe me – it will make you a bit more confident every time. People will notice the change and start making your compliments. You will see!

Belts, Belts, Belts

Three colorful Belts

Many girls underestimate the power of belts. It is a wonderful accessory that makes almost every outfit lit! But more importantly, it will help you look slimmer in those loose dresses when you drop some weight, as they will fit you better. On top of that, a belt is another motivation to keep moving to your dream weight, as you will feel awesome going down another hole. A little tip: use wide belts to make you look smaller but don’t go too wide. Otherwise, it will swamp you.

DIY: Fashion Edition

As a little girl, I just loved to sew all kinds of fancy dresses for my dolls. Twenty years later, I still enjoy altering the clothes for myself and my family. Even though you have never sewed in your life, it is worth learning the basics to mend your clothes, so it fits better. If you don’t have time or are afraid of uneven stitches, you can get some professional help. There are many little businesses like dry cleanings opening here and there, so you can find one even in your neighborhood and have your clothes altered at a reasonable price.

Forget About Baggy Style

Get rid of all baggy things. Seriously. I mean it, get rid of them! You need to see the changes in your shape – it will keep your motivation high. And hiding your body under baggy garments won’t help you anyway. Well, I know, it may give you comfort, but that is not what you need now, OK? So switch to shapely/fitted clothes, like a pencil skirt. Basically, everyone looks sleek wearing it. However, fitted garments don’t mean tight; remember, you need to move freely.

Buy Proper Basics

Two Girls Runing on the beach

Eventually, you will want to buy some new clothes while you lose weight, so it should be something that fits you perfectly well. I recommend starting with some basic items that will never go out of style, and only after your basic garments are purchased, switching to seasonal trends. Here you should not try to save money by buying cheaper clothes. Instead, choose items of good quality and proper size. Believe me – that is an excellent investment in your garment. Basics can live for years in your closet and still be stylish. However, the purchase will be useless if the dress, for example, doesn’t fit or, even worse – makes you look bigger.

Accessories are a Must

Scarves, bags, earrings, rings, etc. are fantastic. Accessories are a great way of putting an accent here or there. A colorful scarf over your neck with loose ends down creates a vertical line and makes you visually slimmer. The same is true about long necklaces and earrings.

As for handbags, make sure you complete your outfit with a handbag in proportion to your size, so as you get smaller, choose smaller bags too. Again, handbags can add a splash of color to your look and attract attention.

And this is it for today. I hope my little tips will help you look fabulous and become more and more confident every day. Take care and be well!



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