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The Creation of Our World in Literature: Books That Will Be Interesting to Read for Everyone


As you know, there are many theories about how the Earth and people appeared. In different eras, significant discoveries have taken place on the basis of which our understanding of our life has changed. Throughout history, scientists have conducted research and tried to give reasoned answers to questions about the creation of the world. In the 21st century, scientists, our contemporaries, have answers to many of them, and they have described their scientific opinions in books that everyone can read today. So if your interest in how the world works and how it just appeared from a scientific point of view has not faded away, you can get acquainted with the opinions of brilliant physicists, astrophysicists, and other scientists who write about complex things in simple language.

A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking

Hawking’s name is familiar even to non-scientific people. The scientist had body paralysis due to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and was diagnosed with this when he was 21 years old. From such a young age, Hawking moved in a wheelchair and talked using a computer. Nevertheless, he managed to do a lot: he gave lectures, wrote several bestsellers, and made several important discoveries. His areas of interest included theoretical physics and astrophysics, and for a long time, he studied the theory of the Big Bang and black holes.

A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking

 A Brief History of Time, from which you can begin your acquaintance with the scientist’s theories, is a very informative and fascinating book of popular science style. All the ideas of the scientist described in it are very easy to read and, in general, to understand, although of course, it’s simply impossible to know absolutely all the terms without deep knowledge. This book is ideal for people who just want to familiarize themselves with the world of our universe; and, at the same time, Hawking now and then inserts jokes and stories from life that help ordinary people to turn a blind eye to the terminology unknown to them.

Physics of the Impossible by Michio Kaku

The Japanese-born American physicist Michio Kaku also has a fascinating perspective on how things work in the universe. He is also the author of dozens of scientific papers and several bestsellers, including Physics of the Impossible. Other accomplishments include co-authorship of string theory and an interest in futurology.

Physics of the Impossible by Michio Kaku

In the aforementioned book, Kaku takes several theories that call certain things and processes impossible and offers evidence that, nevertheless, under certain circumstances, they can happen. For example, teleportation. Let me say right off the bat that almost all of Kaku’s works have hypothetical statements which many scientists do not like and disagree with. Still, along with his particular view on some things, the scientist does a perfect job of educating and explaining many physical processes. In addition, he analyzes how science has been evolving along with some developments such as the artificial intelligence we use today. It may only be a matter of time before Kaku’s theories are realized, but it’s worth reading his books anyway, as they are very optimistic and informative.

Interstellar Science Behind the Scenes by Kip Thorne

As it turned out, the winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics, Kip Thorne, has one more hobby. Author and editor of many science books, he was also involved in the creation of Interstellar and is a big fan of The Big Bang Theory series. As for the book “Interstellar Science Behind the Scenes,” it explains many events in the film and is a kind of instruction to the film, which the author began to write back in 2005. So far, the possibility of the existence and control of multidimensional space has only been proven in theory. Still, it’s a pleasure to read about the physical effects described and substantiated by the author. This book is suitable for science fiction lovers. It will help to better understand the beautiful and incomprehensible nature of space and the amazing processes far beyond our planet.

Interstellar Science Behind the Scenes by Kip Thorne

Many of the authors of scientific books prove that such literature can be interesting and accessible to everyone. You don’t need to have profound knowledge in physics and other sciences to get a rough idea of the processes described in such literature. And at the same time, you can significantly expand your horizons and possibly become interested in a new field of knowledge.

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