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In Search of the Best Version of Yourself: Top Self-Development & Motivation Books

The ability to motivate yourself is very important to achieve small and large goals. Correct strong motivation can help where there seem to be no opportunities for implementation. However, motivation is something that you need to have every day, which turns out to be overwhelming for most people.

They often stop halfway to something more. For those with a special interest in reading, a good way to get motivated is to read a book. A good book can not only give you an impetus for action but also introduce you to the tools that will help you achieve success. You will be able to look at many things from a new angle and get down to business with enthusiasm.

Edgy Conversations: How Ordinary People Can Achieve Outrageous Success by Dan Waldschmidt

When it comes to motivational books, it’s hard to think of a book that works better than Edgy Conversations by Dan Waldschmidt. Using the example of many ordinary people, the author shows how the impossible becomes possible thanks to the discipline of a person. Having a goal is already the first step to success, and in order to achieve it, you must first of all control yourself, and then the whole world will help you. Dan Waldschmidt shows how simple and small actions can radically change your everyday routine and ultimately your life for the better.

Readers want to believe the author because he went the path to success with all his victories and defeats and shares the success stories of various people, which catch on with their touchingness. However, even if you are skeptical about other people’s success stories, this book can still evoke certain emotions in you, as the advice it gives is applicable to every person, regardless of their desires and goals. In addition, the author’s style of narration makes the reader pay attention and remember important things, become more responsible, as well as kind and responsive. In fact, it serves as inspiration and helps one change for the better, which will undoubtedly have a good effect on one’s life and success.

The Hard Thing About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz

Work and entrepreneurship are integral parts of life, so the right motivation and advice from one of the best business fiction books can help you move mountains. To be more precise, this book helps to look at a business from a new point of view and is not afraid to look for non-standard solutions. Moreover, the author’s reasoning and real management experience will be useful both for those thinking about starting their own business and for experienced entrepreneurs. Ben Horowitz, a talented Silicon Valley entrepreneur and blogger, writer, and investor, shares some really good advice on how to deal with ongoing crises, betrayal of friends, intrigues of competitors, and other things that are unpleasant for any businessman but with what they will certainly have to deal with.

Dare, Dream, Do: Remarkable Things Happen When You Dare to Dream by Whitney Johnson

The author of this book is a very interesting person on her own, so it’s not surprising that her advice motivates all kinds of people so well. Whitney Johnson first made her living from music. She is now one of the most influential management experts at Thinkers50.

In her motivational book, Allow Yourself to Dream, Whitney Johnson shares her thoughts and stunning stories from the lives of women of all ages. Reading these stories, you feel how you yourself get rid of the fear of opening a new page in your life. Also, this book is perfect for those who have lost their dream due to life difficulties, wrong upbringing, or stereotypes. Everyone has a dream, and perhaps Whitney Johnson’s book will be able to get it from the farthest corners of your soul – it gives hope and inspires new deeds.

No Excuses! The Power of Self-Discipline by Brian Tracy

In view of how actively and competently Brian Tracy uses his time, there is no doubt that his advice is very practical and perfectly correlates with human psychology. You can read this book if you want to know what recommendations this global expert in efficiency and motivation gives to his clients from Johnson & Johnson, IBM, and so on. Many years of personal experience of the author and his study of time management issues will serve as a handbook for those who struggle with laziness and want to become effective. Everyone can become the master of their time and their lives – but for this, you need to leave your comfort zone, as Tracy himself says.

Motivational books help people understand that we can learn from our own mistakes and our successes. Self-development is very important for every person. Therefore, it is so vital to train in oneself qualities such as willpower, self-organization, discipline. And if you feel that it is difficult for you and want to get off the intended path, then get the necessary burst of energy and motivation from world opinion leaders in their books!

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