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How to Get Published: Insider Information


Ask any photographer about their biggest dream. I promise you, 90% of them will say getting their photos published in a magazine is their number 1 goal.

Nowadays, there are thousands of online and offline magazines for all kinds of photographers. You can choose National Geographic for wildlife and landscape photos, Vogue for fashion shoots, and ESPN the Magazine or Sports Illustrator if you’re a sports photographer.

All of the options mentioned above are an excellent opportunity to get recognized and start making more money. But the big question is, how do you get your photos published in any magazine? Is it luck, or do you need to know somebody on the inside?

Well, worry no more because I have inside information, which will certainly help you achieve your goal and get recognition!

Make Sure You Meet the Requirements

Researching is the crucial component if you want to get your shoots published. You should find out whether your style matches the target magazine, whether it meets the magazine’s missions and goals, and actually whether you’re a good fit for this particular magazine.


Take some time and do proper research. The most important question is, does the blog or the magazine accept submissions at all? Many magazines prefer to stick with well-known programs, so trying to get on such platforms will cost you time, money, and effort.

The second question is, how can you apply? Now this question is essential because it contains the time limitations of the submission, maximum quantity of pictures allowed, appropriate format, and so on and so forth.

And I can’t stress enough the importance of this step. Submitting your photos without doing proper research and making sure your shoots are meeting the requirements is the road to wasting your time.

Submit Only the Best Ones

A lot of people rush to get their photos published while they’re not even ready yet. Remember, good images won’t be enough if you want to get noticed – you need to get the best. So be brutally honest with yourself.

Try to evaluate your shoots from the viewer’s point of view. If your image has obvious flaws (such as excessive grain, distracting background, blur, etc.), it won’t make the editor’s cut.

Become a Writer or Collaborate with One

Sometimes directors or editors are more interested in a package deal of a great story and professional images. Such a proposition can be more attractive and convenient for the magazine – they don’t have to load up the editorial staff with a story – it’s already ready to go!

Hashtags and a Short Note

It’s not a very popular belief, but sometimes editors will come looking for you if you’ve provided them with a great shot. For that exact reason, you need to come up with simple yet correct tags so the editors could easily find you through Google or Instagram.

In addition, personalizing your work and writing a short note introducing yourself can help the directors notice you and actually pay attention to your work. So keep it short but thoughtful at the same time.

Join Communities or Conferences

Most photography industries have trade groups that can hold organizations for their members and offer some exclusive lists or job boards you can potentially access. You can also meet art directors, freelancers, and editors at various events, where you can talk face-to-face and “sell” yourself.

Photo Contests

Photo contests are another excellent opportunity for getting your images published. Many magazines run annual and even monthly photo contests.

However, be sure to read the fine print of the contest carefully. You see, reputable magazines will pay the winners money and let you keep your copyrights. But some companies will use contests as the way to get plenty of imagery for free, and you may potentially lose the copyrights.

Of course, you just want to be on the cover, but is it really worth giving away the rights to one of the best works you’ve done?

Sustainability Is the Key to Success

The final piece of advice I can give you is to be patient. Getting your photos published is definitely not an overnight event. You need to have a great portfolio, the best sample images, and work hard to align with forthcoming publications.

And while seeing your shots in a glossy spread or on a respectful website is amazing, remember that published images aren’t the limit of our work as a photographer. Keep shooting, practicing, and improving, and you won’t even notice when your images will end up in the best international magazines.

Good luck!

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