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Brand Design and Corporate Identity Creation


You’ve probably noticed that every brand that has achieved worldwide fame has a distinction. You can even draw a parallel with some famous personalities of the film industry, sports, and politics, who are idols of many. In the world of brands, the right visual can also be loved by millions for years to come. Therefore, designers working on the creation of the company’s brand identity have a difficult job in terms of creativity and even human psychology. The correct brand message in visual design will gradually turn the target audience into regular customers if it finds a response in them and is associated with positiveness, originality, or quality, or better, all at once.

Working on Brand Identity and Its Components

Corporate-Identity-CreationBrand identity (brand / corporate ID) is a visual component of a brand, designed to increase its awareness and create an impression of integrity. The identity itself implies the development of a logo, slogan, trademark, mascot, selection of suitable fonts and colors for official corporate documentation and advertising products, development of attributes, etc.

It should be emphasized that not only general visual images and representations are essential here, but also the feelings that arise in the user when interacting with the product and services. Therefore, the designer’s task when working on brand conception is to understand and even anticipate human behavior and create an emotional connection. For example, it is important for people to know the history of the brand and subsequently feel more interested in the main message. Of course, brand designers have to pay attention to the user’s needs as well.

Considering that the brand’s style is developed for better recognition and favor among buyers, who, if not a person – but with a designer’s skills – can understand and create what they like? Therefore, if you are working with an order, get acquainted with everything known about the brand, its history, and functions. Of course, there can be thousands of companies operating in the same field and offering the same services or products. But you need to find out and catch a zest that would display the brand accurately and more originally than others. They say that the new is the long-forgotten old, but I would not go this way. On the other hand, there is nothing wrong with looking at the corporate styles of competitors – and it is quite possible that your original idea will visit you.

Try to urge the client who ordered the design from you to a conversation – even if initially they have no ideas about how they want to see the brand. Explain that your vision may be radically different from theirs, and as a result, both sides will lose time. You should find out as much as possible about how the client sees the future logo. It is best to receive and study a graphic design brief with due care and underlying criteria to create a good identity. At least you will have a point to start from and you will understand what they want from you.

You Can’t Go Far Without a Logo

Girl shrugging

Nearly every logo is small visually, but at the same time, it has a significant meaning for the perception of the brand. The entire identity becomes more recognizable thanks to the logo – and it is difficult to imagine a successful company without it. You shouldn’t completely focus on the logo; look at the whole image so that the identity is complete and all its elements are in place.

Research your client’s field and their competitors. This way, you will find out what ideas have already been used and try to do something completely different from what already exists.

Once you have ideas, start sketching. Whether to show your sketches to the client or not depends on your communication and their wishes. But I certainly do not recommend showing them all. If you have talented and time-tested design friends, you can ask them to rate your logo work and its originality.

Regardless of the scale of your customer’s brand, it is better to avoid clichéd logos. How to deal with ideas and visuals that we have all seen a hundred times on every pillar? Look up the Internet for tasks to develop imagination. This will allow you to stop thinking stereotypically and discard the first associations that come to mind.

Don’t worry that something didn’t work out the first time. A sense of beauty may be innate, but understanding what users need and remember for a long time may not come right away. Work, connect with people from the design world, follow trends, and try to create something unique – and you will definitely succeed!

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