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Video Games’ Effect on the Fragile Minds of Children and Adolescents


Despite the title of this article, I immediately want to emphasize that I will express my thoughts on the topic mostly positively, with small interspersed critical discussions about the negative impact of video games on children’s behavior and health.

Before moving on to the discussion of computer games, I want to note that some stereotypes associated with a particular occupation’s harmfulness have existed for centuries.
For a while, reading poetry, plays, and novels was considered corrupting, which could affect one’s ability to think independently. According to some, the ability to write also deprived people of the ability to remember information. With the advent of television and computers, the most ardent opponents of progress began to disseminate unsupported information about their irreparable impact on a person’s physical and psychological state. Of course, every parent wants the best for their child, but sometimes between the desire to save and the child’s spending time on a harmful activity, one should still find a golden mean.

Existing Stereotypes and Sober Look at Them from Outside Perspective

The main complaint attributed to games is cruelty. For example, adolescent misbehavior, hobby, and even the use of weapons are often associated with video games. However, numerous studies can be cited to refute this fact, which confirms that the propensity for cruelty is not formed due to games. On the contrary, teenage gamers are more inclined to socialize because online games are a frequent topic of discussion with peers and allow children to find friends with the same interests. But being passionate about gaming also does not necessarily affect having other hobbies or interest in learning. In other words, you do not need to blame all the problems that have different causes of occurrence on time spent online.

Another common myth about the impact of video games on children and adolescents is that they negatively affect their mental development. However, based on the same scientific data and my own reasoning, one can argue with this fact and even say that on the contrary, they have a positive effect on the development of the child.


Experiments have shown that video games significantly improve players’ visual-spatial orientation and let them pass IQ tests with higher scores than those who do not play video games at all. Tasks thought out by game developers often require exterminating opponents or doing some mechanical action but involving logic and making critical decisions to win. Other studies have found that, depending on the genre, video games develop the ability to hold different types of information in your mind and be more creative.

Many children note that in video games and the gameplay dynamics, they like that they have freedom of choice. Many parents will say that they will try to pursue this freedom in real life, but this is not really the case. By enjoying independence in play, the child will also reap the poor results of their actions and learn responsibility. And the freedom of action in play allows children to break from the tight control of adults in the real world, which soothes their anxiety and calms them down.

Some Final Thoughts on Video Games

Of course, computer games have both undoubted advantages and disadvantages. However, the latter most often manifest themselves when spending excessive time at the computer, which I also do not welcome. When children play games and just get used to assimilating knowledge only from a computer monitor, where all information is presented in the most accessible form, their brains are tuned to visual perception. We should also not forget about the importance of auditory and verbal perception of the world and material, predominant when teaching.

Based on the preceding, I can say the following – life without computers is no longer possible, just like entertainment. Therefore, I would advise parents to find the best approach to distributing the child’s free time. For example, for children of preschool and primary school age, the time spent at the computer should not exceed one to one and a half hours a day. It is necessary to alternate computer games with reading books and live communication with friends and family. Encourage outdoor games from an early age and try to make sure that your child has company and opportunities to spend time outside the home and, accordingly, the computer.

It is good if you like video games, so it will be easier for you to help your child choose and advise them on an excellent educational game appropriate for their age. But even without personal experience, do a little research and show interest in what games your child is spending time with. And I hope that video games will only help your child or teenager in their development and interesting pastime.

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