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8 Tips for Travel with Kids

Woman holds baby in the airplane!
  • Don’t Think That a Vacation With Children Will Be the Same as a Vacation Before They Were Born

The sooner you realize this, the better it will be for everyone. Time for reading your favorite book on the beach, a quiet swim in the sea, relaxation with a cup of tea, most likely, will not be possible. You will either be limited on time or have such a desired break when it is no longer needed. As you did before, visiting all the sights in the area is also unlikely to happen, so it is better to make a list of what you want to do, see, and buy on the trip in advance. Then, once the first couple of days in a new place have passed, you can distribute the things on your list equally over the days, not leaving everything for the end of the trip. The main rule is not to panic and not get upset but to calmly go with your child to the places you want to see when they are fed and in a good mood.

  • Keep in Mind That a Child Develops Better on a Trip Than in Kindergarten or in Classes

Any trip for a child is a new experience: a hotel, a different view of the streets, a new park, new food, new faces, and unusual situations. The playground does not have the usual swings – it may suddenly rain, and so on. Where else would a child encounter a number of these situations at once? And such a life experience will be beneficial and reveal itself in the most unexpected moments.

  • Consider Travel as a Part of Life

When you take your child on a trip, don’t think of travel as a temporary discomfort. Thoughts like “oh, we just need to survive the flight,” or “we’ll go somewhere else and then come home, and everything will be fine” will not give you confidence. On the contrary, you are just waiting for everything to be over, and you will be back home. Neither should an airplane trip, car ride, or train ride be just a period in which your body simply travels from point A to point B – it is life just like anything else.

  • Don’t Worry Beforehand

Traveling with children seems terrifying just until you take the first step. When you’re already in the process, it’s a lot easier to handle than you initially thought. So please don’t make up a problem before you face it – it’s easier to live and travel that way.

  • Pack a Good Travel Kit and Make Sure You Have Health Insurance

Get extended insurance for your child. Yes, it will be more expensive, but you will sleep more soundly. Ask the insurance company beforehand which call center it cooperates with, call them and find out if there are doctors in the city you visit who speak your language or English. Ask if the doctor can come if necessary or you have to go to the hospital yourself. Find out where it is located and how to get there in the smallest detail so that you will have peace of mind and be able to navigate in case of an emergency.

Kids with parents moving in the bike outside the city

  • Take Some Trip Snacks for Your Kid

Even if the flight only takes two hours and you know that you will go to a cafe at the airport, food and drink for the child should always be with you – this rule can not be neglected in any case. Because: firstly, the child may get hungry on the way to the airport; secondly, you can get stuck in a queue or be delayed at the check-in and have no time to reach the cafe, as you have to rush to the plane, and thirdly, the flight may be postponed.

Think about what your little kids love but what you rarely allow them to eat. Traveling is the right time you can let them eat a lollipop or a Kinder-surprise – there will be no harm from enjoying snacks once in a while.

  • Think in Advance About a Set of Toys to Take With You on the Plane

Another immutable rule: you can never have too many toys on the road. It’s an important task for every parent to organize and think of activities for their child during the flight. All children are different, and only you know what will suit your child as entertainment. During the trip, you have to become a kind of magician who can pull out a new notebook, a car, a mini lego, stickers, or pencils in the most unexpected moments.

  • Prepare Your Kid for the Trip

Of course, this point does not apply to infants under the age of one year. But it is worth talking to older children about the upcoming trip. Explain where and why you are going, what you will do there, show your child some photos or videos of the sea, mountains, city, or tell an exciting story about the new place. Be sure to tell them about the airport – you can find a beautiful wimmelbook or other books on the subject.

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