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6 Ways to Improve Your Reaction in Video Games

Person Sitting on gaming chair while playing video game

Video games require as much effort as physical activity in sports. In many of today’s popular games, you need to concentrate, react fast, and move quickly. Therefore, reaction time plays an important role, and it is good that this parameter can be improved.

So here is a description of ways how to prepare your body for any play situation.

Do Hand and Wrist Exercises to Develop Flexibility and Grip

The hands and palms are the most important part of the body for computer games. Whether you have a keyboard or a joystick – hard fingers can badly affect the results. So you need to concentrate on stretching and strengthening your arms and hands. Exercises are also required to develop correct posture during prolonged games.

Stretching Tips

You need to relax the joints and tendons from the fingers to the forearm. The prayer stretch is a great example. Squeeze your palms and fingers together with your outward elbows. Hold this position for about 30 seconds, pushing your bound hands slightly downward for more effort on the wrists.

Finger exercises are also needed. The thumb extensor stretch is simple and effective. The thumb is placed in the palm of the hand and pinched with the rest of the fingers. Then gently rotate your fist towards your little finger.

Such exercises can be performed during the day without even thinking. They should not be painful. Do not strain your joints more than they can handle.

Strength Training Tips

Gripping a controller affects reaction as much as flexible arms. You can lift weights, but there are simpler, more accurate exercises for gamers. For example, place your fingers in a loop on an elastic band. Then push them apart as far as you can, overcoming the resistance of the tape. Repeat the exercise over and over.

A flexible rod may be helpful. While holding it, try to push it up with your thumb. Repeat this movement. Or you can hold one end of the rod and put the other on the table. The elbow is also placed on the table; try to bend the rod inward. A bend of a few centimeters will cause the entire arm to bend

Buy a Hand Trainer

Depending on how seriously you want to increase your grip, you can buy different gear, for example, a Hand Exerciser.

Train Your Reflexes and Accuracy with Specific Play Styles

Aside from exercise, practice is helpful to improve your reflexes. It is necessary to develop certain styles of play that develop accuracy, coordination, and strategic thinking under pressure.

Brother playing video games

Fast-paced, addictive tactical first-person shooters are great for this, especially if you need to interact with other players. There are also Battle Royale games that are also great at improving reflexes and concentration.

Improving Endurance Through Water and Healthy Food

Given the intensity of the games, you will need a lot of energy. Healthy and timely nutrition can provide this energy. The better the fuel, the longer and better you can play.

Sugar and processed foods are not suitable for the mind and bodies of gamers. The liquid is just what is needed. Adequate water intake promotes health and concentration. You should drink water, not juices, coffee, or tea.

Keep Your Hands Warm for Quick Reactions

Cold hands are a common problem for gamers that inhibits reflexes. This could be due to ambient temperature or blood circulation problems. There are many options for solving this problem, for example, occasionally drinking hot drinks and rubbing your hands. Or, you can immerse your hands in ice water, which forces the body to increase blood circulation. You can just do the exercises periodically.

You can comfortably play games using special equipment. Gaming gloves will keep you warm and comfortable.

Avoid Back and Eye Pain with Proper Distance and Posture

Time flies by when playing fun video games. You can forget to sit correctly. With incorrect posture, not only the reaction suffers but also the back and eyes. Keep your 20-inch monitor within arm’s reach. The larger the monitor, the farther the distance should be.

Posture also plays a role. Depending on the chair or sofa, the following should be kept in mind:

  • Sit straight with shoulders back and chin up;
  • The arms should be relaxed and bent at the elbows at an angle of about 90 degrees;
  • The top of the monitor should be at eye level for you to look from top to bottom.

Buy a Gaming Chair with Built-In Support

Another purchase for gamers is a gaming chair. They are designed with comfort in mind, especially for correct posture.

Rest Periodically

Video games are addictive and challenging to stop. Many people play for several hours in a row. It affects concentration, sleep and can cause various health problems. Gamers are encouraged to take breaks every hour or two.

brown wooden blocks on white surface

You need to get up and walk, exercise, or stretch. A rested mind and eyes will improve response. If you’re having a hard time breaking away from the game, set a rigid time frame. After playing for 5 hours in a row, stay away from the computer for the same amount of time. Buy glasses with a blue filter to reduce the harmful effects of screen time.

Practice and Healthy Habits Improve Reaction in Games

Reflexes during games depend not only on willpower. You need to keep the body strong and flexible in order to be able to move quickly and for muscle memory to work after many hours of practice.

Establishing good rules for eating and using your computer is important, as are accessories like gloves and gaming chairs. All of this helps improve the reaction that is so needed in the world of ever-changing games.

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